My Kind of Life
My Kind of Life
027 - Ingrid D'Aquin - Befriending Imposter Syndrome

027 - Ingrid D'Aquin - Befriending Imposter Syndrome

Oh man. Or should I say, oh mama? Ingrid D'Aquin is my personal life coach. In this episode, we jump right into the challenges modern moms have once they become mothers. Choosing work paths as a mother--navigating work from home, staying at home, or working outside the home. We talk about the importance of sisterhood, not competing with other women, and letting your spouse or partner parent in their own way. My favorite part of this episode is towards the end, when Ingrid talks about doing what matters to you. Not Instagram or an algorithm. Because we don't die with our followers. We die with the memories we made and the energy we created. 

Note to listener: There are F* bombs and profanity in this episode. They felt essential so I left them in. If littles are around, you may want to pop your earbuds in.

Discussion about this podcast

My Kind of Life
My Kind of Life
My podcast, My Kind of Life, is organized in seasons. Seasons of my life when I was curious about certain things and went all in, per usual. ‍
Season one and season two are about vulnerability and having brave conversations. ‍
Season three is my social entrepreneurship project where I provide helpful resources to parents of children with food allergies and immune imbalances.
Season four will air in the fall of 2023.
I invite you to pick and choose episodes as they apply to you and the season you're in.