My Kind of Life
My Kind of Life
032 - Amanda Rogove - A Modern Mom Using Ancient Practices

032 - Amanda Rogove - A Modern Mom Using Ancient Practices

I’ve been looking forward to this conversation with Amanda Bacon from Moon Juice on being a modern mom who also uses ancient practices. This is a really interesting practice, especially as modern convenience items and lifestyles are burgeoning before our eyes. In a world when convenience was once in a while, now it feels everyday. With illnesses, allergies, and autoimmune challenges becoming more prevalent, it begs us to ask, “What are we doing differently than just thirty years ago?” 

This conversation is an exploration in applying ancient wisdom to our modern practices. What’s realistic? What’s idealistic?

Amanda shares a homesteading dream of hers, and confesses that it’s possibly just a dream…because she loves both the generation and growing of her thriving business and family life.

I hope you enjoy this exploration we begin to excavate for curious minds.
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My Kind of Life
My Kind of Life
My podcast, My Kind of Life, is organized in seasons. Seasons of my life when I was curious about certain things and went all in, per usual. ‍
Season one and season two are about vulnerability and having brave conversations. ‍
Season three is my social entrepreneurship project where I provide helpful resources to parents of children with food allergies and immune imbalances.
Season four will air in the fall of 2023.
I invite you to pick and choose episodes as they apply to you and the season you're in.